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Level Blockout

Level design course

This is a level I made for a course in level design, the assignment was to make a short part of a level block out for a game of our choosing. I then decided to make a level that would fit in the "Last of us" universe and here is how I worked and end result


Level design

I started out with a simple grid layout to get an idea of how big I want it and how its gonna look like, so I started placing out big yellow cubes. after I was done I hade an idea of how the streets are going to look like.


After that I replaced the yellow block with some models I found in the marketplace.

When that was done I could see how the end result would look like.


And then finally the last thing I changed thins around making bigger streets and fewer buildings to get a more open and realistic feeling to the level

After all changes I still wanted the player to get a straight line to see their final destination and see a landmark in the distance, so I made a straight street that leads the player.


But I also didn't want the player to see it straight away so I made so the player needed to go threw a block and turn to see making them explore a little more but still leading them with the use of electric cords.

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